‘I Exited the Crowded Theater and Headed for the Curb’

Dear Diary:
Overjoyed at seeing a fantastic play on Broadway, I exited the crowded theater and headed for the curb.
As I stood there waiting for my husband to pick me up, I felt a gentle tug on my sleeve.
I turned to see a small, older woman standing next to me and smiling.
“Are you crossing the street?” she asked. “Will you take me with you?”
“Oh, no,” I said, laughing. “You don’t want me to help you. I am legally blind!”
She replied that she could see but was terribly afraid of falling. If I held onto her as we crossed so she should get her bus, she would watch the traffic for both of us.
I hesitated but agreed, and clinging to each other, we crossed the street successfully.
My husband drove up and was surprised to see me on the other side.
— Linda Cahill